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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4* Name: interactive-clustering-gui/tests/
5* Description: Unittests for `app` module on the `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` route.
6* Author: Erwan Schild
7* Created: 22/02/2022
8* Licence: CeCILL (
11# ==============================================================================
13# ==============================================================================
15import json
17import pytest
19from tests.dummies_utils import create_dummy_projects
21# ==============================================================================
22# test_ko_not_found
23# ==============================================================================
27async def test_ko_not_found(async_client):
28 """
29 Test the `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` route with not existing project.
31 Arguments:
32 async_client: Fixture providing an HTTP client, declared in ``.
33 """
34 # Assert HTTP client is created.
35 assert async_client
37 # Assert route `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` works.
38 response_get = await async_client.get(url="/api/projects/UNKNOWN_PROJECT/vectors")
39 assert response_get.status_code == 404
40 assert response_get.json() == {
41 "detail": "The project with id 'UNKNOWN_PROJECT' doesn't exist.",
42 }
45# ==============================================================================
46# test_ko_bad_state_1
47# ==============================================================================
51async def test_ko_bad_state_1(async_client, tmp_path):
52 """
53 Test the `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` route with some projects.
55 Arguments:
56 async_client: Fixture providing an HTTP client, declared in ``.
57 tmp_path: The temporary path given for this test, declared in ``.
58 """
59 # Assert HTTP client is created.
60 assert async_client
62 # Create dummy projects.
63 create_dummy_projects(
64 tmp_path=tmp_path,
65 list_of_dummy_project_ids=[
67 ],
68 )
70 # Assert route `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` works.
71 response_get = await async_client.get(url="/api/projects/0a_INITIALIZATION_WITHOUT_MODELIZATION/vectors")
72 assert response_get.status_code == 403
73 assert response_get.json() == {
74 "detail": "The project with id '0a_INITIALIZATION_WITHOUT_MODELIZATION' hasn't completed its modelization update step.",
75 }
78# ==============================================================================
79# test_ko_bad_state_2
80# ==============================================================================
84async def test_ko_bad_state_2(async_client, tmp_path):
85 """
86 Test the `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` route with some projects.
88 Arguments:
89 async_client: Fixture providing an HTTP client, declared in ``.
90 tmp_path: The temporary path given for this test, declared in ``.
91 """
92 # Assert HTTP client is created.
93 assert async_client
95 # Create dummy projects.
96 create_dummy_projects(
97 tmp_path=tmp_path,
98 list_of_dummy_project_ids=[
100 ],
101 )
103 # Assert route `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` works.
104 response_get = await async_client.get(url="/api/projects/0c_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WORKING_MODELIZATION/vectors")
105 assert response_get.status_code == 403
106 assert response_get.json() == {
107 "detail": "The project with id '0c_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WORKING_MODELIZATION' hasn't completed its modelization update step.",
108 }
111# ==============================================================================
112# test_ok
113# ==============================================================================
117async def test_ok(async_client, tmp_path):
118 """
119 Test the `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` route with some projects.
121 Arguments:
122 async_client: Fixture providing an HTTP client, declared in ``.
123 tmp_path: The temporary path given for this test, declared in ``.
124 """
125 # Assert HTTP client is created.
126 assert async_client
128 # Create dummy projects.
129 create_dummy_projects(
130 tmp_path=tmp_path,
131 list_of_dummy_project_ids=[
133 ],
134 )
136 # Assert route `GET /api/projects/{project_id}/vectors` works.
137 response_get = await async_client.get(url="/api/projects/1l_ANNOTATION_WITH_UPTODATE_MODELIZATION/vectors")
138 assert response_get.status_code == 200
139 assert list(response_get.json().keys()) == ["project_id", "vectors_2d", "vectors_3d"]
140 assert response_get.json() == {
142 "vectors_2d": {
143 "0": {"x": 91.36274719238281, "y": 21.67824935913086},
144 "1": {"x": -0.9386575222015381, "y": 0.43653735518455505},
145 "2": {"x": -39.60744857788086, "y": 24.44004249572754},
146 "3": {"x": 88.78878021240234, "y": -33.314998626708984},
147 "4": {"x": -114.78877258300781, "y": 79.15187072753906},
148 "5": {"x": 49.28199005126953, "y": 123.4693374633789},
149 "6": {"x": -29.51285171508789, "y": 81.52217864990234},
150 "7": {"x": -2.4428157806396484, "y": -44.19341278076172},
151 "8": {"x": -129.07321166992188, "y": 20.79026222229004},
152 "9": {"x": -1.6523088216781616, "y": 45.01224899291992},
153 "10": {"x": -9.337442398071289, "y": -93.84052276611328},
154 "11": {"x": -82.09162902832031, "y": 7.956731796264648},
155 "12": {"x": 22.62102699279785, "y": 82.16755676269531},
156 "13": {"x": 42.19430160522461, "y": -13.67241096496582},
157 "15": {"x": -70.86075592041016, "y": 57.78665542602539},
158 "16": {"x": -45.6887321472168, "y": -23.74492073059082},
159 "17": {"x": 43.95357131958008, "y": -68.4990234375},
160 "18": {"x": -104.2291488647461, "y": -39.33942794799805},
161 "19": {"x": -10.273590087890625, "y": 129.61111450195312},
162 "20": {"x": 42.092933654785156, "y": 33.699771881103516},
163 "21": {"x": -59.6293830871582, "y": -71.61207580566406},
164 "22": {"x": -67.85298919677734, "y": 116.51306915283203},
165 "23": {"x": 77.96465301513672, "y": 73.44774627685547},
166 },
167 "vectors_3d": {
168 "0": {"x": 70.29167175292969, "y": -266.54766845703125, "z": 20.373777389526367},
169 "1": {"x": 233.35336303710938, "y": -156.25953674316406, "z": -100.0744857788086},
170 "2": {"x": 186.1459503173828, "y": 73.08946990966797, "z": -184.87689208984375},
171 "3": {"x": -8.0564603805542, "y": 111.37313842773438, "z": -21.52240753173828},
172 "4": {"x": -19.584718704223633, "y": -92.258544921875, "z": 271.7480163574219},
173 "5": {"x": 199.4398193359375, "y": -137.07095336914062, "z": 221.79983520507812},
174 "6": {"x": 169.81517028808594, "y": -84.50203704833984, "z": 719.15478515625},
175 "7": {"x": -83.7402114868164, "y": 295.5261535644531, "z": 26.949981689453125},
176 "8": {"x": -60.69163513183594, "y": 135.87303161621094, "z": 220.9168243408203},
177 "9": {"x": -76.2159423828125, "y": -125.81424713134766, "z": 76.24165344238281},
178 "10": {"x": -84.635009765625, "y": 176.4404296875, "z": -230.58082580566406},
179 "11": {"x": -166.36639404296875, "y": -225.3141632080078, "z": -90.8826904296875},
180 "12": {"x": -218.71446228027344, "y": 12.174712181091309, "z": 128.22303771972656},
181 "13": {"x": 130.4368438720703, "y": -7.396134853363037, "z": 73.75303649902344},
182 "15": {"x": 108.37644958496094, "y": 74.9406509399414, "z": 515.5901489257812},
183 "16": {"x": -155.9998016357422, "y": -16.28353500366211, "z": -120.30685424804688},
184 "17": {"x": -84.97659301757812, "y": -65.17621612548828, "z": -308.581298828125},
185 "18": {"x": -238.48118591308594, "y": 152.14096069335938, "z": -19.21702003479004},
186 "19": {"x": 185.66650390625, "y": 200.40057373046875, "z": 8.32783317565918},
187 "20": {"x": -226.6430206298828, "y": 49.02275848388672, "z": -462.8315124511719},
188 "21": {"x": 43.422847747802734, "y": -75.41294860839844, "z": -120.16666412353516},
189 "22": {"x": -341.8919372558594, "y": 96.16680908203125, "z": -187.0303497314453},
190 "23": {"x": 164.00942993164062, "y": 116.74947357177734, "z": 243.1012725830078},
191 },
192 }
194 # Assert file content is the same.
195 with open(tmp_path / "1l_ANNOTATION_WITH_UPTODATE_MODELIZATION" / "vectors_2D.json", "r") as vectors_2d_fileobject:
196 assert response_get.json()["vectors_2d"] == json.load(vectors_2d_fileobject)
197 with open(tmp_path / "1l_ANNOTATION_WITH_UPTODATE_MODELIZATION" / "vectors_3D.json", "r") as vectors_3d_fileobject:
198 assert response_get.json()["vectors_3d"] == json.load(vectors_3d_fileobject)