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2* Name: interactive-clustering/src/clustering/
3* Description: Implementation of constrained Affinity Propagation clustering algorithm.
4* Author: David NICOLAZO, Esther LENOTRE, Marc TRUTT
5* Created: 02/03/2022
6* Licence: CeCILL (
9# ==============================================================================
11# ==============================================================================
13import warnings
14from itertools import combinations, product
15from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
17import numpy as np
18from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, vstack
19from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
20from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
22from cognitivefactory.interactive_clustering.clustering.abstract import (
23 AbstractConstrainedClustering,
24 rename_clusters_by_order,
26from cognitivefactory.interactive_clustering.constraints.abstract import AbstractConstraintsManager
28# ==============================================================================
30# ==============================================================================
33class AffinityPropagationConstrainedClustering(AbstractConstrainedClustering):
34 """
35 This class will implements the Affinity Propagation constrained clustering.
36 It inherits from `AbstractConstrainedClustering`.
38 References:
39 - Affinity Propagation Clustering: `Frey, B. J., & Dueck, D. (2007). Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points. In Science (Vol. 315, Issue 5814, pp. 972–976). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).`
40 - Constrained Affinity Propagation Clustering: `Givoni, I., & Frey, B. J. (2009). Semi-Supervised Affinity Propagation with Instance-Level Constraints. Proceedings of the Twelth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 5:161-168`
42 Example:
43 ```python
44 # Import.
45 from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
46 from cognitivefactory.interactive_clustering.constraints.binary import BinaryConstraintsManager
47 from cognitivefactory.interactive_clustering.clustering.affinity_propagation import AffinityPropagationConstrainedClustering
49 # Create an instance of affinity propagation clustering.
50 clustering_model = AffinityPropagationConstrainedClustering(
51 random_seed=1,
52 )
54 # Define vectors.
55 # NB : use cognitivefactory.interactive_clustering.utils to preprocess and vectorize texts.
56 vectors = {
57 "0": csr_matrix([1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]),
58 "1": csr_matrix([0.95, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01]),
59 "2": csr_matrix([0.98, 0.00, 0.02, 0.00]),
60 "3": csr_matrix([0.99, 0.00, 0.01, 0.00]),
61 "4": csr_matrix([0.60, 0.17, 0.16, 0.07]),
62 "5": csr_matrix([0.60, 0.16, 0.17, 0.07]),
63 "6": csr_matrix([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.97]),
64 "7": csr_matrix([0.00, 0.01, 0.00, 0.99]),
65 "8": csr_matrix([0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00]),
66 }
68 # Define constraints manager.
69 constraints_manager = BinaryConstraintsManager(list_of_data_IDs=list(vectors.keys()))
70 constraints_manager.add_constraint(data_ID1="0", data_ID2="1", constraint_type="MUST_LINK")
71 constraints_manager.add_constraint(data_ID1="2", data_ID2="3", constraint_type="MUST_LINK")
72 constraints_manager.add_constraint(data_ID1="4", data_ID2="5", constraint_type="MUST_LINK")
73 constraints_manager.add_constraint(data_ID1="7", data_ID2="8", constraint_type="MUST_LINK")
74 constraints_manager.add_constraint(data_ID1="0", data_ID2="4", constraint_type="CANNOT_LINK")
75 constraints_manager.add_constraint(data_ID1="2", data_ID2="4", constraint_type="CANNOT_LINK")
76 constraints_manager.add_constraint(data_ID1="4", data_ID2="7", constraint_type="CANNOT_LINK")
78 # Run clustering.
79 dict_of_predicted_clusters = clustering_model.cluster(
80 constraints_manager=constraints_manager,
81 vectors=vectors,
82 ####nb_clusters=None,
83 )
85 # Print results.
86 print("Expected results", ";", {"0": 0, "1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 1, "5": 1, "6": 2, "7": 2, "8": 2,}) # TODO:
87 print("Computed results", ":", dict_of_predicted_clusters)
88 ```
90 Warns:
91 FutureWarning: `clustering.affinity_propagation.AffinityPropagationConstrainedClustering` is still in development and is not fully tested : it is not ready for production use.
92 """
94 def __init__(
95 self,
96 max_iteration: int = 150,
97 convergence_iteration: int = 10,
98 random_seed: Optional[int] = None,
99 absolute_must_links: bool = True,
100 **kargs,
101 ) -> None:
102 """
103 The constructor for the Affinity Propagation constrained clustering.
105 Args:
106 max_iteration (int, optional): The maximum number of iteration for convergence. Defaults to `150`.
107 convergence_iteration (int, optional): The number of iterations with no change to consider a convergence. Default to `15`.
108 absolute_must_links (bool, optional): the option to strictly respect `"MUST_LINK"` type constraints. Defaults to ``True`.
109 random_seed (Optional[int], optional): The random seed to use to redo the same clustering. Defaults to `None`.
110 **kargs (dict): Other parameters that can be used in the instantiation.
112 Warns:
113 FutureWarning: `clustering.affinity_propagation.AffinityPropagationConstrainedClustering` is still in development and is not fully tested : it is not ready for production use.
115 Raises:
116 ValueError: if some parameters are incorrectly set.
117 """
119 # Deprecation warnings
120 warnings.warn(
121 "`clustering.affinity_propagation.AffinityPropagationConstrainedClustering` is still in development and is not fully tested : it is not ready for production use.",
122 FutureWarning, # DeprecationWarning
123 stacklevel=2,
124 )
126 # Store 'self.max_iteration`.
127 if max_iteration < 1:
128 raise ValueError("The `max_iteration` must be greater than or equal to 1.")
129 self.max_iteration: int = max_iteration
131 # Store 'self.convergence_iteration`.
132 if convergence_iteration < 1:
133 raise ValueError("The `convergence_iteration` must be greater than or equal to 1.")
134 self.convergence_iteration: int = convergence_iteration
136 # Store 'self.absolute_must_links`.
137 self.absolute_must_links: bool = absolute_must_links
139 # Store 'self.random_seed`.
140 self.random_seed: Optional[int] = random_seed
142 # Store `self.kargs` for kmeans clustering.
143 self.kargs = kargs
145 # Initialize `self.dict_of_predicted_clusters`.
146 self.dict_of_predicted_clusters: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None
148 # ==============================================================================
150 # ==============================================================================
152 def cluster(
153 self,
154 constraints_manager: AbstractConstraintsManager,
155 vectors: Dict[str, csr_matrix],
156 nb_clusters: Optional[int] = None,
157 verbose: bool = False,
158 **kargs,
159 ) -> Dict[str, int]:
160 """
161 The main method used to cluster data with the KMeans model.
163 Args:
164 constraints_manager (AbstractConstraintsManager): A constraints manager over data IDs that will force clustering to respect some conditions during computation.
165 vectors (Dict[str, csr_matrix]): The representation of data vectors. The keys of the dictionary represents the data IDs. This keys have to refer to the list of data IDs managed by the `constraints_manager`. The value of the dictionary represent the vector of each data.
166 nb_clusters (Optional[int]): The number of clusters to compute. Here `None`.
167 verbose (bool, optional): Enable verbose output. Defaults to `False`.
168 **kargs (dict): Other parameters that can be used in the clustering.
170 Raises:
171 ValueError: if `vectors` and `constraints_manager` are incompatible, or if some parameters are incorrectly set.
173 Returns:
174 Dict[str,int]: A dictionary that contains the predicted cluster for each data ID.
175 """
177 ###
179 ###
181 # Store `self.constraints_manager` and `self.list_of_data_IDs`.
182 if not isinstance(constraints_manager, AbstractConstraintsManager):
183 raise ValueError("The `constraints_manager` parameter has to be a `AbstractConstraintsManager` type.")
184 self.constraints_manager: AbstractConstraintsManager = constraints_manager
185 self.list_of_data_IDs: List[str] = self.constraints_manager.get_list_of_managed_data_IDs()
187 # Store `self.vectors`.
188 if not isinstance(vectors, dict):
189 raise ValueError("The `vectors` parameter has to be a `dict` type.")
190 self.vectors: Dict[str, csr_matrix] = vectors
192 # Store `self.nb_clusters`.
193 if nb_clusters is not None:
194 raise ValueError("The `nb_clusters` should be 'None' for Affinity Propagataion clustering.")
195 self.nb_clusters: Optional[int] = None
197 ###
199 ###
201 # Initialize `self.dict_of_predicted_clusters`.
202 self.dict_of_predicted_clusters = None
204 # Correspondances ID -> index
205 data_ID_to_idx: Dict[str, int] = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(self.list_of_data_IDs)}
206 n_sample: int = len(self.list_of_data_IDs)
208 # Compute similarity between data points.
209 S: csr_matrix = -pairwise_distances(vstack(self.vectors[data_ID] for data_ID in self.list_of_data_IDs))
211 # Get connected components (closures of MUST_LINK contraints).
212 must_link_closures: List[List[str]] = self.constraints_manager.get_connected_components()
213 must_links: List[List[int]] = [[data_ID_to_idx[ID] for ID in closure] for closure in must_link_closures]
215 # Get annotated CANNOT_LINK contraints.
216 cannot_links: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
217 for data_ID_i1, data_ID_j1 in combinations(range(n_sample), 2):
218 constraint = self.constraints_manager.get_added_constraint(
219 self.list_of_data_IDs[data_ID_i1], self.list_of_data_IDs[data_ID_j1]
220 )
221 if constraint and constraint[0] == "CANNOT_LINK":
222 cannot_links.append((data_ID_i1, data_ID_j1))
224 # Run constrained affinity propagation.
225 cluster_labels: List[int] = _affinity_propagation_constrained(
226 S,
227 must_links=must_links,
228 cannot_links=cannot_links,
229 absolute_must_links=self.absolute_must_links,
230 max_iteration=self.max_iteration,
231 convergence_iteration=self.convergence_iteration,
232 random_seed=self.random_seed,
233 verbose=verbose,
234 )
236 # Rename cluster IDs by order.
237 self.dict_of_predicted_clusters = rename_clusters_by_order(
238 {self.list_of_data_IDs[i]: l for i, l in enumerate(cluster_labels)}
239 )
241 return self.dict_of_predicted_clusters
244# ==============================================================================
246# ==============================================================================
249def _equal_similarities_and_preferences(S, preference) -> bool:
250 def _all_equal_preferences() -> bool: # noqa: WPS430 (nested function)
251 return bool(np.all(preference == preference.flat[0]))
253 def _all_equal_similarities() -> bool: # noqa: WPS430 (nested function)
254 # Create mask to ignore diagonal of S
255 mask = np.ones(S.shape, dtype=bool)
256 np.fill_diagonal(mask, 0)
258 return bool(np.all(S[mask].flat == S[mask].flat[0]))
260 return _all_equal_preferences() and _all_equal_similarities()
263def _affinity_propagation_constrained(
264 S: csr_matrix,
265 must_links: List[List[int]],
266 cannot_links: List[Tuple[int, int]],
267 absolute_must_links: bool = True,
268 max_iteration: int = 150,
269 convergence_iteration: int = 10,
270 damping: float = 0.5,
271 remove_degeneracies: bool = True,
272 random_seed: Optional[int] = None,
273 verbose: bool = False,
275 """
276 Perform Affinity Propagation Clustering of data.
278 Forked from
279 Modified by David NICOLAZO <> according to
281 Args:
282 S (csr_matrix): Matrix of similarities between points.
283 must_links (List[List[int]]): The list of MUST_LINK closures, i.e. list of list of data linked by MUST_LINK constraints.
284 cannot_links (List[Tuple[int, int]]): The list of data linked by CANNOT_LINK constraints
285 absolute_must_links (bool, optional): The option to use absolute must links implementation. Defaults to `True`.
286 max_iteration (int, optional): The maximum number of iteration for convergence. Defaults to `150`.
287 convergence_iteration (int, optional): The number of iterations with no change to consider a convergence. Default to `15`.
288 damping (float, optional): Damping factor between 0.5 and 1. Defaults to `0.5`.
289 remove_degeneracies (bool, optional): The option to remove degeneracies in the similarity matrix. Defaults to `True`.
290 random_seed (Optional[int], optional): The random seed to use to redo the same clustering. Defaults to `None`.
291 verbose (bool, optional): Enable verbose output. Defaults to `False`.
293 Returns:
294 List[int]: The list of data cluster labels.
295 """
297 n_samples: int = S.shape[0]
298 n_must_links: int = len(must_links)
299 n_similarities: int = n_samples + n_must_links
301 # Define the preference by the median of the similarity matrix.
302 preference = np.array(np.median(S))
304 if n_samples == 1 or _equal_similarities_and_preferences(S, preference): 304 ↛ 307line 304 didn't jump to line 307, because the condition on line 304 was never true
305 # It makes no sense to run the algorithm in this case, so return 1 or n_samples clusters, depending on preferences
306 # TODO: warnings.warn("All samples have mutually equal similarities. Returning arbitrary cluster center(s).")
307 if preference.flat[0] >= S.flat[n_samples - 1]:
308 return np.arange(n_samples)
309 return [0 for _ in range(n_samples)]
311 # Fix random seed.
312 random_state = check_random_state(random_seed)
314 # Remove degeneracies
315 if remove_degeneracies: 315 ↛ 319line 315 didn't jump to line 319, because the condition on line 315 was never false
316 S += (np.finfo(S.dtype).eps * S + np.finfo(S.dtype).tiny * 100) * random_state.randn(n_samples, n_samples)
318 # Use only meta-points to force data from MUST_LINK closure to be in the same cluster.
319 if absolute_must_links: 319 ↛ 335line 319 didn't jump to line 335, because the condition on line 319 was never false
320 Saml = np.zeros((n_must_links, n_must_links))
322 for data_ID_i1, data_ID_j1 in product(range(n_must_links), range(n_must_links)):
323 Saml[data_ID_i1, data_ID_j1] = max(
324 S[k, l] for k, l in product(must_links[data_ID_i1], must_links[data_ID_j1])
325 )
327 S = Saml
329 n_similarities = n_must_links
331 preference = np.array(np.median(S))
333 # Use data and meta-points.
334 else:
335 MPS = np.array(
336 [
337 [0 if data_ID_i2 in Pm else max(S[data_ID_i2, data_ID_j2] for data_ID_j2 in Pm) for Pm in must_links]
338 for data_ID_i2 in range(n_samples)
339 ]
340 )
342 # Update similarity matrix.
343 S = np.block([[S, MPS], [MPS.T, 2 * np.min(S) * np.ones((n_must_links, n_must_links))]])
345 # Place preference on the diagonal of S
346 S.flat[:: (n_similarities + 1)] = preference # noqa: WPS362 (subscript slice)
348 if absolute_must_links: 348 ↛ 351line 348 didn't jump to line 351, because the condition on line 348 was never false
349 Sp = S
351 A = np.zeros((n_similarities, n_similarities))
352 R = np.zeros((n_similarities, n_similarities)) # Initialize messages
353 if not absolute_must_links: 353 ↛ 355line 353 didn't jump to line 355, because the condition on line 353 was never true
354 # E-I: CL constraints
355 Q1 = np.zeros((n_similarities, n_similarities, len(cannot_links))) # qj (m, mn) [m,j,n]
356 Q2 = np.zeros((n_similarities, n_similarities, len(cannot_links))) # qj (mn, m) [m,j,n]
357 Sp = np.zeros((n_similarities, n_similarities)) # Ŝ
359 # Intermediate results
360 tmp = np.zeros((n_similarities, n_similarities))
362 # Execute parallel affinity propagation updates
363 e = np.zeros((n_similarities, convergence_iteration))
365 ind = np.arange(n_similarities)
367 for it in range(max_iteration): 367 ↛ 428line 367 didn't jump to line 428, because the loop on line 367 didn't complete
368 if not absolute_must_links: # TODO: Cannot link not supported for absolute_must_links mode 368 ↛ 374line 368 didn't jump to line 374, because the condition on line 368 was never true
369 # TODO: Verify Cannot link implementation as its effect is almost inexistant
371 # Sp = S + np.sum(Q2, axis=2)
372 # np.sum(Q2, axis=2, out=Sp)
373 # np.add(S, Sp, Sp)
374 Sp[:] = S # noqa: WPS362 (subscript slice)
375 for m in range(n_samples, n_similarities):
376 Sp[m, :] += sum(Q2[m, :, n] for n, CLm in enumerate(cannot_links) if m in CLm)
378 # Q1 = A + R - Q2
379 Q1new = A[:, :, None] + R[:, :, None] - Q2
381 # Q2 = - max(0, Q1)
382 Q2 = -np.maximum(0, Q1)
383 Q1 = Q1new
385 # tmp = A + S; compute responsibilities
386 np.add(A, Sp, tmp)
387 I = np.argmax(tmp, axis=1) # noqa: E741 (ambiguous variable)
388 Y = tmp[ind, I] # np.max(A + S, axis=1)
389 tmp[ind, I] = -np.inf
390 Y2 = np.max(tmp, axis=1)
392 # tmp = Rnew
393 np.subtract(Sp, Y[:, None], tmp)
394 tmp[ind, I] = Sp[ind, I] - Y2
396 # Damping
397 tmp *= 1 - damping
398 R *= damping
399 R += tmp
401 # tmp = Rp; compute availabilities
402 np.maximum(R, 0, tmp)
403 tmp.flat[:: n_similarities + 1] = R.flat[:: n_similarities + 1] # noqa: WPS362 (subscript slice)
405 # tmp = -Anew
406 tmp -= np.sum(tmp, axis=0)
407 dA = np.diag(tmp).copy()
408 tmp.clip(0, np.inf, tmp)
409 tmp.flat[:: n_similarities + 1] = dA # noqa: WPS362 (subscript slice)
411 # Damping
412 tmp *= 1 - damping
413 A *= damping
414 A -= tmp
416 # Check for convergence
417 E = (np.diag(A) + np.diag(R)) > 0
418 e[:, it % convergence_iteration] = E
419 K = np.sum(E, axis=0)
421 if it >= convergence_iteration:
422 se = np.sum(e, axis=1)
423 unconverged = np.sum((se == convergence_iteration) + (se == 0)) != n_similarities # n_samples
424 if (not unconverged and (K > 0)) or (it == max_iteration):
425 never_converged = False
426 break
427 else:
428 never_converged = True
430 I = np.flatnonzero(E) # noqa: E741 (ambiguous variable)
431 K = I.size # Identify exemplars
433 if K > 0 and not never_converged: 433 ↛ 461line 433 didn't jump to line 461, because the condition on line 433 was never false
434 c = np.argmax(Sp[:, I], axis=1)
435 c[I] = np.arange(K) # Identify clusters
436 # Refine the final set of exemplars and clusters and return results
437 for k in range(K):
438 ii = np.where(c == k)[0]
439 j = np.argmax(np.sum(S[ii[:, np.newaxis], ii], axis=0))
440 I[k] = ii[j]
442 c = np.argmax(Sp[:, I], axis=1)
443 c[I] = np.arange(K)
444 labels = I[c]
445 if absolute_must_links: 445 ↛ 454line 445 didn't jump to line 454, because the condition on line 445 was never false
446 # Assign labels to meta-points members
447 real_labels = [-1 for _ in range(n_samples)]
448 for label, ml in zip(labels, must_links):
449 for i in ml:
450 real_labels[i] = label
451 labels = real_labels
452 else:
453 # Remove meta-points
454 labels = labels[:n_samples]
455 # Reduce labels to a sorted, gapless, list
456 cluster_centers_indices = np.unique(labels)
457 labels = np.searchsorted(cluster_centers_indices, labels)
458 else:
459 # TODO: if verbose: # pragma: no cover
460 # TODO: warnings.warn("Affinity propagation did not converge, this model " "will not have any cluster centers.", ConvergenceWarning)
461 labels = [-1 for _ in range(n_samples)]
462 cluster_centers_indices = []
464 return labels