Please note we do not officially support Windows or MacOS, but we do provide some instructions for those who want to use it on these platforms.
You do not explicitly need a conda environment for the bot to run. But it is always recommended nontheless, especially because the next LTS of Ubuntu won't let users pip-install anything without a virtual environment. At the time of writing, this app python >= 3.10 to run.
First, install the dependencies :
conda create -n xsg python=3.10 # get python 3.10 for torchconda activate xsg # envpip install -r requirements.txt # install pip depspython xs-gen do doctor # check install
Then, you need to provide a list of topics and sentiments to the app. You can do so by creating two files in the assets/config folder, topics.txt and sentiments.txt. Each file should contain one topic or sentiment per line.